Aleš Hřebeský Memorial Cancelled Due to Covid-19 Spread

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Aleš Hřebeský Memorial Cancelled Due to Covid-19 Spread Czech government has declared state of emergency in order to slow the coronavirus infection spread today morning. Measures will last at least till April 11, but maybe even longer depending on situation. Having no certainity that the ban will be lifted on April 11 and seeing the progress of disease in other countries and their safety measures we had to undertake painful decission to cancel the Aleš Hřebeský Memorial 2020. We hope that cancelling the tournament now and not eventualy later in April can reduce the costs of all arrangements both on side of teams who prepare their participation and on our side.

Current measures set by Czech government are quite tough. All events with more than 30 persons are banned, all indoor sport facilities are closed, restaurants can be open only till 8 pm. Foreigners coming from risk areas including Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, UK, Nederlands, Belgium or Italy are refused and Czech are not allowed to travel there.

Still, we do not give up completely as we want to keep the tradition and the tournament is deep in our hearts. If the situation is good on April 11 we are considering „preparation reset“ and reinviting teams for the tournament and runing it small low-cost scale for those who would be able to join us in such a short notice. But we won’t know before April 11 or 12, so please in this moment consider the AHM cancelled.

Also the EBox and She-Box on April 19-21 are cancelled. We are considering running it later this year maybe as a joint event with Frank Menschner Cup (Sept 3–6). This will be communicated by Scott and Brian later.

Speaking of Frank Menscher Cup, maybe you want to consider an oportunity to take part in this „little brother of the AHM“. You will be welcome to do so. In this moment the format of the tournament is Thu–Sat for 16 teams but in case of high interest we are ready do enlarge it up to AHM scale.

We hope that the world gets rid of the Covid-19 soon. Please stay safe and hopefully see you soon in more heathy atmosphere.

Ondřej Mika




Author: Ondřej Mika   |   Section: 2020   |   Print   |   Send article to friend

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