Message from Jana Hřebeská

Homepage / Previous annuals / 2020 / Message from Jana Hřebeská


Message from Jana Hřebeská Every year the privilege to commence the tournament belongs to Aleš's mum, Mrs Jana Hřebeská. There in no such occassion this year, but we are very happy to share Mrs Hřebeská's message to all lacross players and fans.

Ahoj, ahoj, ahoj!

I am sending my greetings to all lacrosse fans from my unwanted home prison – I am qaurantines as a member of vulnerable group of senior citizens. I was very sad, when the message that the tournament had been cancelled this year due to Covid-19 spread. As every year I was lookinf forward to a great week among you, lacrosse players and fans. What can we do? That‘s what the current sittuation is.

And lo! A glimmer of hope and joy. The tournament will be held, although only virtually. I hope that the participation will be great. I wish to everybody involved in this game a lot of fun and joy.

Thank you all!

With regards

Jana Hřebeská

Author: Ondřej Mika   |   Section: 2020   |   Print   |   Send article to friend

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